Recipe Collection

1 Step 1

Trinity Baptist Church Recipe Collection  Instructions

  • Type or Print NEATLY IN INK, NOT PENCIL, and place only ONE RECIPE per form (typed is preferred).
  • If more room is needed, use another sheet of the same size and staple together.
  • Please WRITE LEGIBLY, as this will greatly reduce errors.
  • List all ingredients in order of use in ingredients list and directions.
  • Include container sizes, e.g., 2 (8-oz.) cans, temps, and baking/cooking times.
  • Keep ingredients separate and directions in one paragraph. Do not submit recipes in steps, columns, or charts.
  • Recipes which cannot conform to our chosen recipe format will be omitted.
  • Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.”
  • DO NOT use statements like, “combine the first three ingredients.”
  • Be consistent with the spelling of your name for each recipe you contribute.
  • Any special recipe notes (anything other than ingredients, directions, contributor name, serving size, or recipe title) should be kept as a separate comment on the bottom of this form, as they may not be included unless we pay extra for it.

Your recipes should fit into one of the following categories:

Appetizers & Beverages • Soups & Salads • Vegetables & Side Dishes • Main Dishes •  Breads & Rolls • Desserts • Cookies & Candy • This & That

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