Trinity Baptist Church Recipe Collection Instructions
Type or Print NEATLY IN INK, NOT PENCIL, and place only ONE RECIPE per form (typed is preferred).
If more room is needed, use another sheet of the same size and staple together.
Please WRITE LEGIBLY, as this will greatly reduce errors.
List all ingredients in order of use in ingredients list and directions.
Include container sizes, e.g., 2 (8-oz.) cans, temps, and baking/cooking times.
Keep ingredients separate and directions in one paragraph. Do not submit recipes in steps, columns, or charts.
Recipes which cannot conform to our chosen recipe format will be omitted.
Use names of ingredients in the directions, e.g., “Combine flour and sugar.”
DO NOT use statements like, “combine the first three ingredients.”
Be consistent with the spelling of your name for each recipe you contribute.
Any special recipe notes (anything other than ingredients, directions, contributor name, serving size, or recipe title) should be kept as a separate comment on the bottom of this form, as they may not be included unless we pay extra for it.
Your recipes should fit into one of the following categories:
Appetizers & Beverages • Soups & Salads • Vegetables & Side Dishes • Main Dishes • Breads & Rolls • Desserts • Cookies & Candy • This & That
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